[Official] ShackledCraft Release, Updates, and More

Discussion in 'Updates' started by Admin, Dec 1, 2020.

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  1. Admin

    Admin Owner

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hello prisoners of ShackledCraft,

    before I start with anything else, the ShackledCraft team would like to thank everyone for helping with development and making the re-release of ShackledCraft (formerly, LegacyRealms) a huge success. Within a few days we had already reached a new record of 1250 players online and even broke 1300 players last Friday. We are going to continue working hard to give you guys the best minecraft prison server that eixsts. Thank you guys!

    We do have another favor to ask you guys. In order to grow further and to get ShackledCraft high up in Google searches, we ask everyone to update the website and IP from LegacyRealms to ShackledCraft on any posts or videos that had been made before the rebrand. Further, we are going to be hosting a contest for the best YouTube video of ShackledCraft in the upcoming week. There will be more info on that soon.

    You guys have been asking for voting-for-rewards and ads-for-rewards to be implemented. Unfortunately, there have been some delays with this and we can't guarantee yet that we will be able to implement the ads as that is up to a third party company. This also brings me to the next topic in question: the store. The ShackledCraft store hasn't been setup yet as we wanted to wait out any crucial bugs, such as dupes, that might appear. On top of that, we had planned to integrate ads-for-rewards as much and as good as we possibly can and rely on that for the server's income and costs. The reason behind this is to make the server less pay-to-win by giving everyone the same chance to get premium ranks and items regardless of how much real life money one has available to spend. Depending on how this goes (if we get accepted by the third party company), we were even thinking about making ads the only possible way to use the store, but that is not final yet.

    We have been receiving a lot of questions from you guys and are going to address the most common ones in this Q&A:

    Q: How do I use the forums?
    A: Forum registrations had been disabled until now as we were still finishing up website features. They are now open and everyone is welcome to sign up. You unlock more forums and website privileges as you rankup in-game. Forum posting access starts at rank D. Rank Z even get a special surprise :)

    Q: How will ads work?
    A: You will use a command in-game, similar to the /vote one, visit the link in your browser, watch the ads, and once you are finished, you will receive ad coins in-game. You will be able to use these ad coins to buy vouchers for the store to buy premium ranks and items with.

    Q: When will voting work?
    A: We are hoping to start with voting in the next month or two. We would like to balance ads (if they happen) and the in-game economy first. Furthermore we would like to make sure that we can handle any further growth of the player count before we start any furthe1r big advertising.

    Q: How do I get my own "private mine"?
    A: This is a common misconception in-game. EVERYONE has their own private mine, but they are all in the same spot. The A mine is one single mine but the blocks inside of it are independent for each player. You also can't see other players or their blocks in the mine, only yours.

    If you guys have any feedback, please leave it in the forums or in-game if you haven't unlocked them yet. Thank you guys so much for staying patient and making the re-release as successful as it has been. We will be finishing up and adding more features for the rest of the month so we are ready for a successful Christmas break of gaming :)

    Thank you,
    ShackledCraft Prison Team
  2. Anthony_Fix

    Anthony_Fix Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2019
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    First! Can't wait for the store, votes, and ads to work. I wonder how they will work? Is there any explanation?

    - Shackled <3
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